LomiLomi massage
Lomi Lomi Massage is a Hawaiian style of massage that focuses on creating a state of bliss and deep connection. This massage helps to painlessly get rid of unpleasant memories of traumatic events and concentrate on what is here and now, that is, back to reality. LomiLomi triggers positive energy that contributes to the rediscovery of the person well-being and also brings to their consciousness a lot of light and love to everything that surrounds it, and thus, leads to love oneself.
Benefits of lomi lomi massage
LomiLomi massage leads to the experience that our soul and body are in perfect balance and harmony. All the power to make changes in ourselves, and released just in a state of deep relaxation.
This is one of the most relaxing of the massages but at the same time has a deeply spiritual sense of connection between client, therapist and the entire universe. The strokes are long and flowing, often covering the full length of the body. The wave-like motion of the session, carried out using forearms as well as hands, helps to drift off and feel totally relaxed.
The client after the massage has the impression of lightness, bliss, contentment, fulfilment, and sees himself as the man to whom the world is open and who is not afraid of any changes.